Allo: your team’s common ground

Allo: your team’s common ground
Allo allows my team to express themselves visually whilst being remote. It allows us to connect and collaborate as if we are in the same room, with expressive tools that help us communicate on an interactive level. Being able to put our thoughts on Allo helps us innovate and stay focused. - Stephen Price, CEO of CoFoundersLab

Stephen is the CEO of CoFoundersLab - the biggest founders’ community in the world that guides entrepreneurs and founders through their journey of starting and improving their business. Stephen is always interested in discovering new collaborative tools and products that help remote working teams by potentially making their team more efficient.


As the CEO of the company, Stephen works on a lot of different projects with different partners. While he uses Asana with the development team for project management, he doesn’t want to put all his mind on there and make it into a messy hub. Stephen really needed a visual space to put his and his team’s ideas.


Stephen wanted to find something that can connect his to-do list with his thoughts throughout the doing process. He tried other visual tools but finally found Allo to be the most easy-to-use, as its feature set matches his mental processes. “I can put all my ideas and thoughts on a visual place that can be seen by whoever I want it to,” says Stephen. For him, Allo is the common ground for his team to get together, collaborate visually, and align with the process and ideas.

The visual place for everything in mind

The visual space allows Stephen to brainstorm and plan almost everything using Allo, such as business planning, sales planning, strategy ideation, and more. Prior to reaching out to a specific company for a sales call, Stephen would first create a canvas for the selected company. Inside the canvas, he would lay down their contact information, attach some links and videos related to the company, and make a checklist for everything he needed to do with the company. He can easily drag and drop everything that’s related into the same canvas and arrange all the information to fit his personal preferences. He can easily access all the necessary information through Allo, regardless if it’s a file, link, or website.

A To-Do List and Task Reminder

The Kanban board that manages the canvases allows users to see what needs to be done, what’s in progress, and when it’s been completed. Each canvas presents a task that reminds Stephen of what he needs to finish and when it must be completed. He loves the ease of including relevant information for his task onto the canvas. He can set due dates, owners, and labels on each canvas. This allows him to efficiently manage all his projects and tasks and prioritize them as needed.

Above contents are not actual contents from Stephen’s workspace due to security reasons.

The Common Ground for Team Alignment

Many other visual tools provide only a visual board for you, but Allo provides two more layers of workspaces and projects that allow users to organize their visual documents in a more manageable way. Allo allows the integration of other team communication programs, such as Slack, to help organize your team’s asynchronous collaboration. Once they’ve integrated Slack with Allo, users can receive Slack messages immediately after being tagged on the canvas. Your team “can do collaborative brainstorming anywhere in the world,” says Stephen. Regardless of where or when your team members work, they can easily add their thoughts to the canvas.

Above contents are not actual contents from Stephen’s workspace due to security reasons.

After a couple of months experimenting with Allo, Stephen really enjoys how intuitively Allo brings everyone together. The platform’s visuals allow communication and collaboration to become less complicated and easier to understand while its structure allows your team’s collaborative work to be stored in an easily manageable and accessible way. For Stephen, Allo is not just an online collaborative platform but also a documentation repository for all his team’s work and a common ground for his team.

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